Sachin Konan

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Hi, I am an engineer at Two Sigma Investments, where I work on research and engineering problems related to graphs and automated code generation. I obtained my BS in Computer Science in 2022 from Georgia Tech.

I have been at:

  1. Two Sigma - LLM Systems and Finetuning/Synthetic Graph Generation
  2. Fundamental AI Research (FAIR) @ Meta - Open World Detection
  3. Intel - Optimizing Neural Network Simulation
  4. Georgia Tech - Single/Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (RL) ☆
☆     I was fortunate to be advised by Matthew Gombolay. I also worked under Constantinos Dovrolis as a teaching Assistant for CS 3510.

I am interested in scientifically understanding Machine Learning and its applications to reasoning tasks. I am also interested in efficient training of large models.

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Automating the Generation of Functional Semantic Types with Foundational Models
Sachin Konan*, Larry Rudolph, Scott Affens
North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL), 2024
Official: Paper / Video / Poster / Code

TLDR; The proliferation of vast data providers and inherent dirtiness of data have increased the value proposition of Semantic Types. We introduce the concept of Functional Semantic Types (FST)s which are Python classes that encapsulate the informational and functional context of columnar data. FSTs will normalize and validate data in a structured/readable manner, allowing automated cross-table joins or fast lookups. In order to scale the generation of FSTs, we leverage Foundational Models to transform serialized data-tables to FSTs. Across Kaggle, Harvard, and FactSet Data-Verses we show our method FSTO-Gen, can generate functionally and informationally correct FSTs.

Contrastive Decision Transformer
Sachin Konan*, Esmaeil Seraj, Matthew Gombolay
Conference on Robot Learning, 2023
Official: PMLR / Video / Poster / Code

TLDR; Decision Transformer (DT) is a return-conditioned system that generates the action that will achieve a desired return in a given state. Achieving high return should theoretically require drastically different behavior than low return. In the same way that search is optimized through indexing, ConDT organizes state-action embeddings by return, allowing the transformer to more easily "recall" the necessary action for that return. ConDT improves performance in Gym, Atari, and hand-grip tasks.

Iterated reasoning with mutual information in cooperative and byzantine decentralized Teaming
Sachin Konan*, Esmaeil Seraj*, Matthew Gombolay
International Conference on Learning Representations, 2022
Official: arXiv / Blog / Poster / Presentation / Video / Code

TLDR; Collaborative teaming in multi-agent RL is challenging because agents need to consider the conditionality of their actions, which exponentially grows in complexity with the size of the action space and the number of agents. Humans excel at learning this conditionality by recursively reasoning about the actions of others, like in chess where a player A recursively considers how their player B considers how player A, and so on. We formulated a multi-agent policy gradient (InfoPG) that fosters this type of reasoning by maximizing inter-agent mutual information. InfoPG improves team-performance in Gym and Starcraft cooperative games and is robust to adversarial team-mates (Byzantine Generals Problem).

Merge-Split: Directed Graph Perturbations that Preserve Random Walk Structure
Sachin Konan*, Larry Rudolph,
In Preparation for VLDB , 2025

TLDR; Directed Graphs contain important dependencies and whose structure may be sensitive. Previous work has shown that node deanonymization isn't enough so we protect against subgraph isomorphism and Sybil attacks through the use of random perturbations (Merge-Split). For usability, the perturbed graph has to maintain similarity to the original, which is achieved by minimizing the change in the graph's eigenspace. Our experiments showed that Merge-Split locally disrupts random walks while maintaining overall structural properties, like the graph's steady-state distribution.

Extending one-stage detection with open-world proposals
Sachin Konan*, Kevin J Liang, Li Yin
arXiv pre-print, 2022

TLDR; Object Detection consists of the localization and classification of objects, and two-stage networks made this process conditional. However, in practice, one might want to localize any object, regardless of whether it can be classified (this is called Open World Detection (OWD)). Previously, two-stage networks have been studied, but we investigate a one-stage network called FCOS for its simplicity and decoupling of classification from localization. We investigate various architectural and sampling improvements that allow FCOS to retain is classification ability, while improving localization recall.

Also, I recently wrote a blog post about the benefits of migrating datatable schemas from primitive data-types to entity-driven data-types, called Semantic Types. We are investigating the usage of LLMs to automatically generate Semantic Type definitions and data processing code.

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